Aspose.OCR for Python via .NETAspose.OCR for Python via .NET is a powerful, while easy-to-use optical character recognition (OCR) engine for your Python applications and notebooks. In less than 10 lines of code, you can recognize text in more than 25 languages based on Latin, Cyrillic, and Asian scripts, returning results in the most popular document and data interchange formats. The library works equally well with all sources, from a high-quality scan to a quick photo on a smartphone. Whether the image is rotated, distorted or noisy, automatic pre- and post-processing filters provide a high recognition accuracy in a short time. Supported File Formats Source Files JPEG
PNG TIFF GIF BMP DjVu Recognition Results Searchable PDF Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel EPUB Plain text JSON XML Features and capabilities Extract text from scans, photos and screenshots. Convert scanned PDFs to searchable and indexable PDFs. Read Latin, Cyrillic and Asian scripts in all popular typefaces. Recognize more than 6,000 Chinese characters. Extract text from handwritten notes, memos and medical records. Work with blurry, distorted, rotated and noisy images. Identify and preserve content blocks from the original text layout. Detect and read areas of an image, paragraphs, lines and single words. Bulk process multi-page documents, folders and archives. Recognize images from the Internet without downloading. Identify and automatically correct misspelled words. Find text in images and intelligently compare image texts. |
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