基本原理: 发送http请求(requests)---->返回数据----->解析数据(数据清洗,bs4,re…)---->入库(文件,excel,mysql,redis,mongodb)
注: 爬取数据时,如果被禁止了,一定是你模拟的不像。
爬虫协议: 每个网站,都有爬虫协议,规定了哪些允许你爬,哪些不允许你爬(君子协议) robots.txt---->只是一个协议
验证码 封ip 封账号 js逆向:js比较不错 app爬取:加密 app逆向:java,动态调试so文件---->汇编
爬虫所需工具: 请求库:requests,selenium 解析库:正则,beautifulsoup,pyquery 存储库:文件,MySQL,Mongodb,Redis
爬虫常用框架: scrapy
模拟发送http请求(只要http请求有的东西,都可以使用requests发送出去)。 python内置的urllib2、urllib3,不太好用,用起来比较麻烦。
大神基于urllib3封装了requests,python界非常出名的第三方库,只能发送http请求,不能解析; 又封装了一个requets-html库,把request和解析库封装到一起了。
安装:pip3 install requests
import requests
res = requests. get( 'https://dig.chouti.com/' , headers= {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36'
} )
print ( res. text)
with open ( 'a.html' , 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f:
f. write( res. text)
requests. request( 'post' , cookies= { } )
response = requests. get( 'https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=美女' ,
headers= {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36' ,
} )
with open ( 'baidu.html' , 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f:
f. write( response. text)
response = requests. get( 'https://www.baidu.com/s' ,
params= { 'wd' : '帅哥' } ,
headers= {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.75 Safari/537.36' ,
} )
with open ( 'baidu.html' , 'w' , encoding= 'utf-8' ) as f:
f. write( response. text)
import requests
header= {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36' ,
'referer' : 'https://www.lagou.com/wn/zhaopin'
res = requests. get( 'https://www.lagou.com/gongsi/' , headers= header)
print ( res. text)
referer:比如向这个图片地址 发请求,会有referer,检测referer是不是这个网站的,不是则禁止。
header= {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36' ,
'cookie' : 'deviceId=web.eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqaWQiOiIwZmVlMjk5OS1iMDgzLTRmYzctOTM4MC03YjIzZmVmY2U5YmYiLCJleHBpcmUiOiIxNjIzOTA0ODk5MzM5In0.7cadtBYznS6OgnLwEF8aH0AmtDOoYB1WKDgdU4eYYS0; __snaker__id=VbChmBUEZIVY3FPa; _9755xjdesxxd_=32; YD00000980905869%3AWM_TID=%2FazmF9%2FrClJFEVFBVRN70z7msH6De39Y; Hm_lvt_03b2668f8e8699e91d479d62bc7630f1=1631674964,1634180671,1634183906; gdxidpyhxdE=SmmnuyrMOQB%2B9hzOlIaMPx0O9ZJbqWBllx7aa1OTmRwgGymo94mTYgZ0DrUWw7tfx8qIZmRt01BbIVX2jIc30jqSzPWznXpll6kBokS56266%2FmPg%2BC%5CvNV%2BJhO%5C9ln%2FQdskmo%2FH5A%2BLOADRDACtDp59%5CH51jexwMSIXSA9atTxuJDXOn%3A1634184810108; YD00000980905869%3AWM_NI=WlPwT2GigeoAGFNAH66LZluq3E87sk7E%2Bn6YtGANtE0G%2Bke2f0x6a1rG8kACozd%2FrWBXr3ne%2FBnps6fdDDeTm052UXP1VES3VxQISaL9zd91nvo%2FON%2FVuXS9INJSQYS%2FOG8%3D; YD00000980905869%3AWM_NIKE=9ca17ae2e6ffcda170e2e6ee97c96aadeda38de27286ef8bb3d45a828f8babae8095aea8d0b47e9191e186c42af0fea7c3b92a95b4a098d73a85b7a986ee4b859a82a2cb3ef694968df87bf19bf8d8f261f59be58fb553b8998faff74ff499e58ce83aa6f0b8d7e43bb299f88cc449ada6acd0f15d8288bed4ed6fed9ea291f23ea6bc8ca5e860aff0fbd3d85494ef9aa6d23996a89faad26b90e7b685bc3baeaaa1d0ce46ed8abbb9d2338b9286b4d45391f181a8bb37e2a3; token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJqaWQiOiJjZHVfNTMyMDcwNzg0NjAiLCJleHBpcmUiOiIxNjM2Nzc1OTIyMTI2In0.o5-Y9-USxFog5sdo1WR1WORUzPkUD4fozEVA_f0WSHU; Hm_lpvt_03b2668f8e8699e91d479d62bc7630f1=1634183939'
res= requests. post( 'https://dig.chouti.com/link/vote' , data= { 'linkId' : '32667354' } , headers= header)
print ( res. text)
header = {
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36' ,
res = requests. post( 'https://dig.chouti.com/link/vote' , data= { 'linkId' : '32667354' } , headers= header, cookies= { } )
print ( res. text)
header = {
'Referer' : 'http://www.aa7a.cn/user.php?&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aa7a.cn%2F' ,
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36'
res = requests. post( 'http://www.aa7a.cn/user.php' , headers= header, data= {
'username' : 'xxx@qq.com' ,
'password' : 'xxx' ,
'captcha' : 'fmd8' ,
'remember' : 1 ,
'ref' : 'http://www.aa7a.cn/' ,
'act' : 'act_login' ,
} )
cookie = res. cookies
print ( cookie)
res1 = requests. get( 'http://www.aa7a.cn/' , headers= header, cookies= cookie)
print ( 'xxx@qq.com' in res1. text)
import requests
respone= requests. get( 'http://www.360buy.com' )
print ( respone. text)
print ( respone. content)
print ( respone. status_code)
print ( respone. headers)
print ( respone. cookies)
print ( respone. cookies. get_dict( ) )
print ( respone. cookies. items( ) )
print ( respone. url)
print ( respone. history)
print ( respone. encoding)
response. iter_content( )
解析json(http请求返回的数据是json格式): res.text是json字符串,取值不好取,需要json.loads(res.text)转成字典,再取值 直接res.json()转成json后的字典形式
import requests
res = requests. post( 'http://www.kfc.com.cn/kfccda/ashx/GetStoreList.ashx?op=keyword' , data= {
'cname' : '' ,
'pid' : '' ,
'keyword' : '上海' ,
'pageIndex' : 1 ,
'pageSize' : 10 ,
} )
print ( type ( res. json( ) ) )
7.编码问题 url编码问题 把中文用url编码,把url编码解成中文
from urllib import parse
res= parse. quote( '美女' )
print ( res)
res= parse. unquote( '%E7%BE%8E%E5%A5%B3' )
print ( res)
import requests
res= requests. get( '' )
res. encoding= res. apparent_encoding
print ( res. text)
8.获取二进制数据 视频、图片需要保存二进制
import requests
res= requests. get( 'https://img.lianzhixiu.com/uploads/allimg/202001/9999/a7b0199df8.jpg' )
with open ( '致命诱惑2.png' , 'wb' ) as f:
for line in res. iter_content( 1024 ) :
f. write( line)
import requests
session = requests. session( )
header = {
'Referer' : 'http://www.aa7a.cn/user.php?&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aa7a.cn%2F' ,
'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/94.0.4606.81 Safari/537.36'
res = session. post( 'http://www.aa7a.cn/user.php' , headers= header, data= {
'username' : 'xxx@qq.com' ,
'password' : 'xxx' ,
'captcha' : 'fmd8' ,
'remember' : 1 ,
'ref' : 'http://www.aa7a.cn/' ,
'act' : 'act_login' ,
} )
res1 = session. get( 'http://www.aa7a.cn/' , headers= header)
print ( 'xxx@qq.com' in res1. text)
补充: 什么是正向代理,什么是反向代理?
正向代理---->买票的黄牛 反向代理---->租房的代理
总结: 1 爬虫介绍
2 请求库:requests模块
跟其他服务交互,使用requests模块 postman:完全自己写,使用requests写
3 发送get请求
4 发送get请求,地址中带参数
直接拼在路径中 params参数传入,字典 url编码和解码:中文编成url的编码形式
5 发送get请求,携带请求头
headers参数 user-agent:客户端类型 referer:上一个地址
6 发送请求,携带cookie 请求头 以参数形式携带
7 发送post请求
地址中带数据:params参数传入 请求头中带:headers 请求体中:data={},json={}
8 Respons对象属性,参数
text:响应的body体,转成了字符串 content:响应体的二进制(图片,视频) iter_content:图片,视频,循环保存 编码 cookies:一旦登录成功,这个cookies就是认证后的cookies json() :把返回的json格式字符串直接转成字典形式
9 编码问题
10 request.session的使用