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     1、  首先注册即构平台账号,然后对照即构官网一步步集成

主要分为sdk插件集成与JS 封装层集成这两部分,具体步骤请移步官网查看。

uni-app实时音视频示例源码下载 - 开发者中心 - ZEGO即构科技







需要修改 appSign、AppID,修改成自己的。

	<view class="colum_layout">
		<!-- 状态栏 -->
		<view class="title" style="width: 100%;height: 70rpx;background-color: black;"></view>
		<!-- <zego-local-view style="height: 300rpx;width: 400rpx;position: absolute;display: flex;z-index:999"></zego-local-view> -->

		<!-- 拉流布局 -->
		<view class="live_parent" @click="hide_edit">
			<zego-remote-view class="live_play" :streamID="playStreamID" :viewMode="AspectFit=1">

		<!-- 在线人数 -->
		<view class="onlines">
			<text class="user_name">昵称:医生</text>
			<!-- @click="loginOut" -->
			<view class="onlineMd">
				<text class="onlineTag">在线</text>
				<text class="online_num">{{online}}</text>
				<image @click="closed" style="width: 40rpx;height: 40rpx; margin-right: 40rpx;" src="/static/cha.png">

		<!-- 消息列表 -->
		<view :class="isShowKeyboad?'msg_list_height':'msg_list_low'">
			<scroll-view scroll-y="true" class="list-content" show-scrollbar="false" :enhanced="true" :bounces="false"
				:scroll-with-animation="true" :scroll-top="commentScrollTop">
				<view class="list-item" id="commentContent" v-for="(item,index) in msg" :key="index">
					<!-- item.fromUser.userName -->
					<text class="person_title">{{item.fromUser.userName}}</text>
					<!-- item.message -->
					<text class="content_body">{{item.message}}</text>

		<!-- 消息输入 -->
		<view class="enter_input" v-if="isShowKeyboad">
			<textarea class="input_reply_msg" maxlength="50" :show-confirm-bar="false" v-model="msg_enter" auto-height
				focus='true' placeholder="请输入消息" @input="inputHandle" />
			<text class="send_msg" @click="sendMsg">发送</text>

		<!-- 消息反馈模块 -->
		<view class="interaction" v-if="!isShowKeyboad">
			<!-- <view> -->
			<!-- <zego-local-view class="push_live"></zego-local-view> -->
			<!-- </view> -->
			<text class="input_msg" @click="inputMsg">说点什么吧...</text>
			<!-- <text class="like_click" @click="likeClick">点赞</text> -->
			<likeButton :throttle="100" :large="2" :site="[60, 160]"
				style="display: flex;position: fixed;bottom: 32rpx;right: 30rpx;">


	// 导入权限工具类
	import permision from "@/pages/permission.js";
	// 导入直播引擎
	import ZegoExpressEngine from '@/components/zego-ZegoExpressUniApp-JS/lib/ZegoExpressEngine';
	// 导入推流布局组件
	import ZegoLocalView from '@/components/zego-ZegoExpressUniApp-JS/zego-view/ZegoLocalView';
	// 导入拉流布局组件
	import ZegoRemoteView from '@/components/zego-ZegoExpressUniApp-JS/zego-view/ZegoRemoteView';

	import likeButton from '@/components/like-button/like-button.vue';

	export default {
		components: {
			ZegoLocalView: ZegoLocalView,
			ZegoRemoteView: ZegoRemoteView,
		data() {
			return {
				title: 'Hello',
				isShowKeyboad: false,
				msg_enter: "",
				engine: undefined,
				playStreamID: 'streamID123',
				msg: [],
				commentScrollTop: 999999, //评论区滚动高度
				roomID: 'mghome123', //房间id
				userID: '222222', //用户id
				userName: '医生', //用户名
				online: 0, //在线用户数

		onLoad: function(option) { //option为object类型,会序列化上个页面传递的参数
			console.log("=====打印出上个页面传递的参数=="); //打印出上个页面传递的参数。

			this.userID = Math.floor(Math.random(10000) * 10000) + ""; //用户id
			this.userName = option.usName; //用户名

		onBackPress() {


		created() {
			this.playStreamID = 'streamID123';

		onReady() {
			this.playStreamID = 'streamID123';

			var that = this;

		onHide() {

		mounted() {


		methods: {
			async initZegoExpressEngine() {
				var that = this;

				//Android 权限请求
				if (uni.getSystemInfoSync().platform === "android") {
					await permision.requestAndroidPermission(
					await permision.requestAndroidPermission(

				new Promise(res => {
					that.createEngine(); //创建视频流引擎

					setTimeout(() => {

					}, 100);

				}).then(res => {

					that.loginRoom(that.roomID, that.userID, that.userName);

				}).then(res => {

					that.addListeners(); //添加监听


			closed() {

			loginOut() {
				var that = this;


				ZegoExpressEngine.destroyEngine(res => {


					url: '/pages/login/login'
				// plus.runtime.quit();

			sendMsg: function(e) {
				var that = this;
				// console.log("====发送消息====" + JSON.stringify(this.engine));

				if (this.msg_enter == '' || this.msg_enter.length == 0) {
						title: '输入不能为空',
						icon: "error",
						duration: 2000
					return 1;

				let msgConn = [{
					"sendTime": 1687763213632,
					"message": "" + this.msg_enter,
					"messageID": 1,
					"fromUser": {
						"userID": this.userID,
						"userName": this.userName


				// 发送广播消息,每个登录房间的用户都会通过 IMRecvBroadcastMessage 回调事件收到此消息
				this.engine.sendBroadcastMessage('mghome123', "" + this.$data.msg_enter).then((
					result) => {
					// 获取消息发送结果
					console.log("====按钮发送====" + JSON.stringify(result));

					that.msg_enter = '';




			// 接收消息
			receiverMsg: function(e) {
				var that = this;
				this.engine.on("IMRecvBroadcastMessage", (mghome, messageList) => {

					console.log("==1111==" + JSON.stringify(that.$data.msg));


					console.log("==2222==" + JSON.stringify(that.$data.msg));


				this.engine.on('IMRecvBarrageMessage', (mghome, messageList) => {
					console.log("===received barrage message==" + JSON.stringify(messageList))

				// this.engine.on('IMRecvCustomCommand', (mghome, fromUser, command) => {
				//       console.log("("===received custom command=="+JSON.stringify(messageList)) 
				// })

			msgListDeal: function(messageList) {
				var that = this;

				if (that.$data.msg.length >= 10) { //只显示最新10条消息

				that.$data.msg.push(...messageList); //新消息添加

				setTimeout(() => {
					this.commentScrollTop = this.commentScrollTop + 1;
				}, 100);


			keyBoardHeightListener: function(e) {
				uni.onKeyboardHeightChange(res => {
					if (res.height == '0') { //隐藏键盘
						this.$data.isShowKeyboad = false;


			inputHandle(e) {

				this.$data.msg_enter = e.detail.value;

				console.log("==输入消息监听===" + e.detail.value)

			// 键盘弹出
			inputMsg() {
				this.$data.isShowKeyboad = true;
				// console.log("===键盘弹出===");


			hide_edit(e) {

				this.$data.isShowKeyboad = false;
				uni.hideKeyboard() //隐藏软键盘方法


			async createEngine() {
				// 采用通用场景
				const profile = {
					appID: ,//换成自己的appid
					// AppSign 仅满足简单的鉴权需求,如果需要升级为更加安全的鉴权方式,请参考[如何从 AppSign 鉴权升级为 Token 鉴权](https://doc-zh.zego.im/faq/token_upgrade?product=ExpressVideo&platform=all)
					// AppSign 可通过[控制台](https://console.zego.im/dashboard)获取,格式为 @"39011cbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
					appSign: '',//换成自己的appSign
					scenario: 0

				this.engine = await ZegoExpressEngine.createEngineWithProfile(

				console.log("==创建引擎==" + JSON.stringify(this.engine));

				let config = {
					encodeWidth: 360,
					encodeHeight: 640


			async loginRoom(roomID, userID, userName) {


				let roomConfig = {};
				// 只有传入 “isUserStatusNotify” 参数取值为 “true” 的 ZegoRoomConfig,才能收到 onRoomUserUpdate 回调。
				roomConfig.isUserStatusNotify = true;
				// 登录房间
				// 开始登录房间
				this.engine.loginRoom(roomID, {
					'userID': userID,
					'userName': userName
				}, roomConfig);

				this.receiverMsg(); //接收消息监听

			logoutRoom(roomID) {


			async likeClick() {

				// #需要使用$nextTick延时调用,否则没有效果


				/** 1. 创建美颜环境 */
				// await this.engine.startEffectsEnv();

				/** 开关美颜效果 */
				// await this.engine.enableEffectsBeauty(true);

				/** 开始预览 */

				// ZegoExpressEngine.instance().startPreview();

				/** 开始推流  APP-PULL stream无值, Web有值,为MediaStream*/
				// const stream = await ZegoExpressEngine.instance().startPublishingStream("streamID123");

				// 推流视频流监听
				// ZegoExpressEngine.instance().on("publisherStateUpdate", (streamID, state, errorCode, extendedData) => {
				// 调用推流接口成功后,当推流器状态发生变更,如出现网络中断导致推流异常等情况,SDK在重试推流的同时,会通过该回调通知
				// });

			addListeners() {
				var that = this;

				// 以下为常用的房间相关回调
				that.engine.on('roomStateUpdate', (roomID, state, errorCode,
					extendedData) => {
					// 房间状态更新回调,登录房间后,当房间连接状态发生变更(如出现房间断开,登录认证失败等情况),SDK会通过该回调通知
					console.log("==房间状态更新回调==" + JSON.stringify(roomID));

				that.engine.on('roomUserUpdate', (roomID, updateType, userList) => {
					// 用户状态更新,登录房间后,当房间内有用户新增或删除时,SDK会通过该回调通知
					console.log("==用户状态更新==" + JSON.stringify(userList));

					if (updateType == 0) {
						that.online = that.online + userList.length;
					} else {

						if (that.online >= userList.length) {
							that.online = that.online - userList.length;

						console.log("==用户状态更新==" + that.online);


				that.engine.on('roomStreamUpdate', (roomID, updateType, streamList) => {
					// 流状态更新,登录房间后,当房间内有用户新推送或删除音视频流时,SDK会通过该回调通知
					// 开始拉流
					if (streamList.length > 0) {

						if (streamList[0].streamID != '') {
							that.playStreamID = streamList[0].streamID;
							const streamss = that.engine.startPlayingStream(streamList[0]
							console.log("==流状态更新==" + JSON.stringify(streamList[0].streamID));





			recycleData: function() {

				var that = this;

				// new Promise(res => {
				// 	console.log("===mogu===");
				// 	// setTimeout(() => {
				// 	// 	res();
				// 	// }, 100);
				// 	/** 停止本地预览 */
				// 	// that.engine.stopPreview();
				// 	/** 停止推流 */
				// 	// that.engine.stopPublishingStream();
				// 	/** 停止拉流 */
				// 	that.engine.stopPlayingStream(that.playStreamID);
				// 	/** 退出房间 */
				// 	that.engine.logoutRoom(that.roomID);
				// 	/** 销毁引擎 */
				// 	ZegoExpressEngine.destroyEngine();
				// 	//移除键盘高度监听
				// 	uni.offKeyboardHeightChange(res => {
				// 	});
				// 	console.log("===销毁引擎==="+that.playStreamID+"=="+that.roomID);

				// });



		onUnload() {

			// console.log("===销毁引擎===");


	.page {
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: column;
		height: 100%;
		background: transparent

	.colum_layout {
		flex: 1;
		height: 100px;

	.play_screen {
		display: flex;
		height: 100vh;
		width: 100vh;
		flex-direction: column;
		justify-content: flex-end;

	/* 在线人数模块 */
	.onlines {
		height: 90rpx;
		width: 750rpx;
		background: transparent;
		position: absolute;
		top: 90rpx;
		align-items: center;
		flex-direction: row;
		justify-content: space-between;

	/*  */
	.user_name {
		height: 70rpx;
		background-color: #09c2fa;
		margin-left: 30rpx;
		padding-top: 20rpx;
		padding-left: 40rpx;
		padding-right: 40rpx;
		border-radius: 30rpx;
		align-items: center;
		text-align: center;
		font-size: 29rpx;
		color: #fff;
		background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2);

	/* 在线模块	 */
	.onlineMd {
		background: transparent;
		margin-right: 40rpx;
		flex-direction: row;
		align-items: center;

	.onlineTag {
		color: white;
		margin-right: 8rpx;
		font-size: 28rpx;

	/* 在线用户数 */
	.online_num {
		width: 80rpx;
		background-color: red;
		height: 80rpx;
		margin-right: 40rpx;
		border-radius: 40rpx;
		align-items: center;
		text-align: center;
		padding-top: 25rpx;
		font-size: 28rpx;
		background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.2);
		color: #fff;

	/* 直播父布局 */
	.live_parent {
		flex: 1;
		height: 100px;
		position: sticky;

	/* 直播组件 */
	.live_play {
		flex: 1;
		position: relative;
		height: 100px;
		z-index: -1

	/* 拉流 */
	.push_live {
		height: 300rpx;
		width: 400rpx;
		position: absolute;
		bottom: 100rpx;
		display: flex;
		z-index: 999

	/* 消息列表 */
	.list-content {
		max-height: 300px;
		padding-bottom: 30rpx;

	/* 键盘未弹起消息布局 */
	.msg_list_low {
		position: absolute;
		width: 420rpx;
		height: 600rpx;
		background-color: red;
		background: transparent;
		bottom: 160rpx;
		justify-content: flex-end;

	/* 键盘弹起消息布局 */
	.msg_list_height {
		position: absolute;
		width: 420rpx;
		/* 	height: 600rpx; */
		background: transparent;
		bottom: 300rpx;
		max-height: 600rpx;
		justify-content: flex-end;

	/* 水平内容 */
	.list-item {
		background-color: yellow;
		margin-top: 20rpx;
		margin-left: 20rpx;
		border-radius: 10rpx;
		flex-direction: row;
		background: transparent;
		background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1);
		padding: 10rpx;


	.person_title {
		margin-left: 5rpx;
		color: #09c2fa;
		margin-right: 10rpx;
		font-size: 28rpx;

	.content_body {
		font-size: 28rpx;
		width: 344rpx;
		color: #fcfcfc;
		padding-right: 10rpx;

	/*  */

	/* 消息输入按钮模块 */
	.enter_input {
		width: 750rpx;
		position: absolute;
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: row;
		justify-content: space-between;
		bottom: 120rpx;
		align-items: center;
		background-color: white;
		border: transparent;

	/* 消息输入框 */
	.input_reply_msg {
		border: transparent;
		flex: 1;
		min-height: 66rpx;
		padding-top: 10rpx;
		padding-bottom: 10rpx;
		background-color: #f0f0f0;
		margin-left: 10rpx;
		padding-left: 20rpx;
		border-radius: 40rpx;
		margin-right: 30rpx;

	/* 发送消息 */
	.send_msg {
		width: 100rpx;
		height: 58rpx;
		font-size: 28rpx;
		text-align: center;
		margin-right: 30rpx;
		padding-top: 13rpx;
		background-color: #FF9999;
		border-radius: 30rpx;
		color: white;
		margin-top: 15rpx;
		margin-bottom: 15rpx;

	/* 底部浮动布局 */
	.interaction {
		background: transparent;
		background-color: transparent;
		position: fixed;
		bottom: 20rpx;
		display: flex;
		flex: 1;
		width: 750rpx;
		flex-direction: row;
		justify-content: space-between;

	/* 点击输入消息 */
	.input_msg {
		width: 320rpx;
		margin-left: 30rpx;
		height: 78rpx;
		background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.3);
		border-radius: 40rpx;
		color: #999999;
		padding-top: 20rpx;
		text-align: left;
		padding-left: 30rpx;

	.like_click {
		height: 70rpx;
		width: 160rpx;
		display: flex;
		background-color: #06c6ad;
		padding-top: 20rpx;
		color: white;
		font-weight: 600;
		border-radius: 20rpx;
		font-size: 28rpx;
		margin-right: 40rpx;
		text-align: center;



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